Sewing Machine Safety Quiz

Please answer carefully using the safety protocols below.

Sewing Machine Safety Quiz

Safety Protocol

1. Inspect the needle before you start and NEVER attempt to sew if the needle is bent
2. DO NOT wear loose clothing around the sewing machine
3. NEVER touch the needle or attempt to repair the sewing machine, contact makerspace staff
4. Report all accidents to Makerspace staff or Library staff
5. ALWAYS plug the iron in to the designated plugs in the Makerspace
6. Iron only on the designated ironing board
7. NEVER touch the hot end of the iron
8. When you are done using the iron, unplug it and allow it to cool for 30 minutes before returning it to the Makerspace staff
9. Masks are NOT required but highly recommended
10. ONLY cut fabric on the provided self-healing cutting mat
11. Scissors are sharp, please be careful and never run with the scissors